Integration tests and Travis modifications

August 25, 2013 - 3 minute read -
travis testing gsoc


Integration Tests

I added methods which test the controller for click_video and mark_face.

click_video is described as User click on the video. It takes four parameters - dx, dy, dw and dh and returns a boolean True or False. Currently I am testing using some combinations of these four parameters, but I get the result always as False. I will probably need some information on what this function exactly does.

nark_face marks faces on the output video. This takes an argument faces which is a list of four element tuple, each tuple representing probably a face. This method unluckily gives no output and I am unable to figure out from the output video.

The method mark_tracking is a similar function, which takes faces as parameter and doesn't have a return type.

For the method adjust_pip , I am still unable to change the size of the PIP using dw and dh parameters, as it gives a black screen output.(TODO)


Some modifications to .travis.yml. Currently the build fails due to since the gst-switch-srv gives a segmentation fault, and all functions which require it (all integration tests except ones which test helper functions) fail (TODO)

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