Travis CI and Coveralls

August 23, 2013 - 2 minute read -
travis coveralls readthedocs gsoc python


Integration Tests

Some of the things mentioned in the edit section of my last post are some of the commits mentioned above. I was able to achieve moving around the PIP in the x and y direction successfully.

Travis CI

I made a few edits to the .travis.yml. The travis page is at Indeed travis-ci is the best thing ever :)

The PKG_CONFIG_PATH was set to point to the correct location.

Note: Even though the build is successfully, I currently have no tests to check if the build was indeed successful. So cannot say if the build was indeed successful. Only thing which is sure is that there process completed without any errors.


I configured python-coveralls to run py.test along with coverage on the code. I use my existing Makefile to conduct these tests. Unittests are currently conducted. I was able to get 100% coverage. The results can been seen on my repos' page The full coverage is at The unittests coverage is at 100%.

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