- trying out building - modified travis: 24bfc3e21eb10c3f97c489a82605d0201b1216e3
- travis modified: 03b91899403a309e00dc02a53381139cbf748674
- travis modified: b402047630e00d81c50a24944828bb15dd2d78ae
- travis modified: 7394b4140fc62a2666b0ac306993e56a3e4b84cd
- added ignore errors in Makefile: f6c2e8782fa148fc1107a47802f1c72002b95f2b
- added PKG_CONFIG_PATH: 1286ace1199f92861588071181e6fb2ba078a509
- wrong path fixed: 4097f3abf874700c55c98ea5ae9114a98826655c
- modified paths: ba7fca72ea11eec41bac68b874315bb1cc89062f
- fixed gst-plugins-base git url: 231ef17a166e065bb7e41e996865a83cc1484c2c
- travis modified - added dependencies: 8659f7d2aeb2d09b31834cba8aaac4ab60b27eb8
- fixed a typo: 9321f81dd670a74d98264131cdbd5fa1d9a3be76
- trying fixing version problem: f123f6aa2d3fc1adc79b58065afd83b9837de6ee
- modified travis.yml: 774d585128b565f364799d472ef9bf67b97f7ce5
- modified travis.yml: eaa82f2ca80ee8268411afcf6d88d03f307ef4d2
- travis modifications and gitignore updated: 90112e70ce7fbf477ad7a0476f3fe040738e0c27
- Revert "Added mkdir for ~/gst" This reverts commit 4e30b6a21d3d813e1c558b36a1fa4b864b2ab9fc.: 6929d8489ec6975665e518403068a0619665f108
- travis modifications: 643e093056f2e90a428ddf0d8772bc98d5e544c3
- Added mkdir for ~/gst: 4e30b6a21d3d813e1c558b36a1fa4b864b2ab9fc
- removed testing portions in travis.yml: a7f614438c1a6a0bd200b47ef15730741159f6ee
- Removed arguments to make: e8f88f0cf79f4f72c733f7e2f3db51ba6297337d
- mofied travis: 03ec71aa329eb6387bd4524418c7889fc9acfd03
- travis-ci file modified: e73cae56aa17f331e131d84dc42fac64e8290867
- modified travis.yml: 36bef2ae6843245d909fe3c1308839e586f12da4
- Changes to stage script: a9b9760685678a7084a575fa4c564ba630e931ed
- testing faults in gst-switch-srv - added ldconfig settings: bb101b5cbc260ab7682ad9d38c73709c17174aca
- testing faults in gst-switch-srv: 719d5d61d215db7b4a53f19221b90be242f14f7e
- testing faults in gst-switch-srv path fixed: a05d8a51a5673081efeb57040943ba4cb65a9cb9
- testing fault in gst-switch-srv: b275ef0858d159562730988908c3d41634e84023
- testing fault in gst-switch-srv: 938c17b6dc0baab04a42a49a2c923b7ff9f9bc68
- testing fault in gst-switch-srv: 7cc21d365070df1a2644b14434bc343af210dae3
What I am doing
I am trying out building gst-switch over travis. Its been multiple failures and no success till now. Still working over this. Earlier there was a merge conflict due to which a commit's changes were not considered. Currently, I am working out a way to get python-gi installed on the travis machine.
Coverage for c code over coveralls.
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