Things I am currently doing

August 10, 2013 - 3 minute read -
test unittests gsoc


Things done.

  • Unittests are complete - 100% coverage . Can also be achieved by running "make coverage".
  • Exception handling - completed for all the code I had written. </ul>
  • Fixed issues with previous unittests. Some were using some external modules. They have been corrected and Mock objects and methods were appropriately added.
  • Structural changes and Makefile modifications.
  • Trying out building and installation of gst-switch.
  • </p>

    Currently, I have started working on integration tests. I am trying to figure what tools are available to assist me and how to make use of them.

    Problems I am facing..

    A reliable procedure to build gst-switch. One method which works sometimes is to first install gstreamer (without plugins) by running the gst-uninstalled script. Here after cloning gstreamer, I do ./autogen followed by make and make install.

    After this, I follow the procedure I have put in my last last blog.

    Things to do..

    • Get proper building and installing intructions ready asap.
    • Integration test: This is will be the time, when actual bugs might pop up. These bugs can be present in both the gst-switch or the API. For example, from some testing, I have found that changing PIP Modes at a rate faster than a certain rate, causes problems in the gst-switch-srv and leads to a segmentation faults. More tests like these will be needed.

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