Installing Gst-Switch

August 3, 2013 - 2 minute read -
install gsoc gst-switch

Using this method I was able to correctly install gst-switch (builds as of now).


The later parts of this post will take care of most of the dependencies. However, one has to be still fixed.

Clone Repositories

Setup Config Paths

Build gst-switch

Checking if it built correctly

Python API

Since some recent changes were made into the gst-switch speaker-tracking branch, my repository is not currently updated with it. As of now the API will work even if gst-switch is installed. The path to the gst-switch installation has to be provided while starting the server. The path is given as an argument to the Server.

For getting the Python-API code you can do this in any directory of your system (Not in ~/gst/)

Now we are ready. Hope this works :)

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