Integration Tests - 3

August 19, 2013 - 2 minute read -
testing gsoc


Things completed

  • Integration tests. This turned out to be a bit tricky. The get_audio_port() function returns the first preview audio port. The default ports assigned according to these rules:
    • Compose Port: video_port + 1
    • Encode Port: video_port + 2
    • Audio Port: Depends on which position the first audio stream is input to the gst-switch-srv. The first one will be at port 3003. So if the first stream to enter is an audio stream get_audio_port() will return 3003. If a video stream is added before the audio one, the get_audio_port will return 3004.
    • Preview Ports: It returns a list of all the preview ports who are streaming into the gst-switch-srv - audio and video.
  • Integration tests for get_audio_port
  • Integration tests for get_preview_ports

How to run these tests

Issue py.test command like py.test test_controller.h

Or you can also use the Makefile make integration

Under progress..

I am working out a reliable way to compare the outputs of two runs of the program. Problem seems that sometimes an extra black frame may be captured (it is captured as a key-frame). This causes some problems in the comparison process, since the zero-norm of the comparison states that the two frames are absolutely dissimilar.

The current set of tests shows PASSED 19 out of 20 times. However almost once it fails, the reason is mostly a Connection Closed or Connection Reset message from the DBus. This indicates that something went wrong in the server side.

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