Correcting lots of stuff

July 20, 2013 - 3 minute read -
python gsoc

What was Wrong

While writing unittests I went off-track. Thankfully, mithro guided me at correct time. Two major wrong things I was doing were:

  1. For testing purposes, to each and every function in my code I was adding input validation statements, so that I did not get any TypeError or ValueError while running it. Instead of doing this, I should have made exception handlers. So my last few commits were not useful at all and I had to remove them.
  2. I was using setters and getters in my code. I had added them to give extra abstraction to the user. However, I learnt that in python these are seldom used. So, I had to remove these lines from the code.
These things were the reason I delayed writing this blog post.


A rather long list of commits:

Exception Handling

From above experience I learnt that I had to put exception handlers in my code. I had very little knowledge of exception handlers and absolutely no experience.

Some good links that I found were very useful in the field of exception handling and testing:

After spending lots of time on reading exception handling in python, I made a few changes to the code, where I defined some custom Exceptions like PathError: Raised when a wrong path is specified to the run the gst-switch-srv process. Another one is ServerProcessError: Raised when something wrong happens with the process running like a OSError indicating some internal fault.

Things to do..

Add exception handling for all modules and write py.test testing modules for testing them

Comments Section

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